Monday, October 27, 2008

Ahoy! 8th Graders! This Blog Is for You!

Write down the title and author of the book you are reading and your sticky-note thoughts.

Think about these sentence starters:

I wonder...
My question is...
I can connect this to my life/my world/another book...
It was weird/scary/sad/wonderful when...
I don't get...
Aha! I get it now....
The big idea/author's message/universal truth is...
(Your choice)...


Anonymous said...

In this part Annemarie is talking to her uncle Henrik and he asks her " How brave are you Annemarie?" Why does she have to be brave? I'm guessing she is going to have to do something big for her family. Annemarie then tells her uncle " not very." Why not? But I guess it is hard to be brave with soldiers surrounding you.
He tells her he lied to her so she would be more brave. I think this means you're more likely to take things head on so the less you know then the less you have to be afraid of.

Anonymous said...

The book I just finished, is The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry. It is kind of an old-fashioned book, but oddly enough, I liked it.
At first, I hated all of the characters, even the kids. They were rude, unkind, and not-lovable. They had issues. I was about to stop reading this book, but my friend, Mrs. Fuentes told me it was awesome.
It ended being great. The characters changed and I loved the book.
More on this book later

Anonymous said...

Near the end of Milkweed they talk about dead bodies still on the street, why do they take so long to take the bodies?

In another part they keep calling the ghetto police "Flops"

At a part Misha's friend Uri returns from some where from a long time working at the Blue Camel Hotel

When Uri returned he told Misha to leave and for some reason he looked so clean

Anonymous said...

In the next part of Number The Stars. Annemarie's great-aunt Birte's casket arrives to the house, but Annemarie learns before it comes that there is no great-aunt Birte. So I am guessing that there is supplies of some sort in the casket. So tons of people come to mourn over the death of the great-aunt who doesn't exist (get it so they came for what's in the casket) and while everyone is there, Annemarie's best friend Ellen's parents show up who haven't been seen sence they went into hiding from the Nazi's (they hid because they're Jews for those of you who where wondering why). Then Nazi soldiers showed up because they were informed that there was an odd number of people at the house. When they realized that there was a casket they asked Annemarie who was in it. She told them and they didn't believe it because it was closed so tight and they thought if someone had really died they would want to see them. So he demanded that they open it and they refused because they said that the non-existing aunt had died from a illness and the germs may still be on the body so they got to keep it closed. I really am waiting to find out what is in the casket that they risked their lives for.

Anonymous said...

well I finished the book Milkweed and oh my goodness it was a masterful book in another part of the book Uri Misha's friend is a jackboot. then Janina gets lost and Misha changes his name and he has a grand child its amazing you should read it ms.parent

P.S. popynoodle you'll find out what I mean.

Anonymous said...

The Box was filled with (three second drum role)... Old raggedy clothes. That's right they nearly died for some old clothes. But they needed them for a reason a reason for which I can't tell you. I can't tell you because if from my other blogs you decide to read the book it will ruin a awesome part. So that is pretty much it for this... oh yeah her mom broke her ankle. Not going to tell you how because you have to read the book

Klamer said...

Eighth grade is currently working on the Perspectives Unit. Let's see if you can link/tie the concepts in the books that you are currently reading to this theme: Perspectives, meaning a variety of views on any given life experience...

Good Luck and Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

I finished Number the Stars and It WAS AWESOME!!! I absolutely love the book. I don't want to ruin the ending. So you should really read the book.

Anonymous said...

I started a new book called Speak. It is okay so far. The beginning just jumps around a lot, but was keeps you hoked is that the main character did something and it never says what it is so I'm guessing that it will tell you later on to keep you in the book. So we'll find out soon (maybe).

Anonymous said...

i like cheese burgers, but my book is about the how these people are kidnapping little kids and killing them. the main charicter is now trying to find her best friend who was taken by these people

Anonymous said...

Well I just started on the book Martyn Pig and I gotta tell ya It's pretty messed up drunk dad ,an evil aunt and his last name is pig and I don't want to go into detail so read it NOW!!

Anonymous said...

The book that i have read that was the coolest book is called The Rich Girl by R.L. Stine. I really enjoy all of his books and especially this one because it had fascinating adventures and those adventures made me picture the moments in my mind and it was awesome.Plus it was a fast book to read.

Anonymous said...

My book is about a war against an evil lord, Galbatorix. Galbatorix has an evil dragon rider who is better than Eragon.He is also a dragon rider. Right now, the dragon rider Eragon just got back to the Varden, or the people who are fighting back against Galbatorix. He is also fighting him. Eragon was just invited to a dinner with Nasuada, the leader of the Varden.

Anonymous said...

my book is cool it is about a kid moved to homeyville ther mom thought it would be good to get out of the getto but they moved in a bader place and there are more drive buys and more shootings were there at and more drug dealers and now the kid might sell drugs.

Anonymous said...

The book i juts finished is called fog mound.It's the second book.It is a good book about a chipmunk that got lost and now traveling to new places.
Now I'm on the third book and and they are lost on a island called faradawn.Then they found a time machine and got lost in time.That's all i can tell u so far.

Anonymous said...

The book I'm reading is called "Dairy of a Wimpy Kid", this book is about a kid named Gregory is he main character and he in a teenager that gets bullied by his older brother and doesn't have the coolest friends.His older brothers name is Rodrick and he started his own band called loaded diaper.He has all failure's in his band they didn't
graduate from school and their dad doesn't like that the fact that Rodrick might end up like them.Greg also has a little brother name Manny and Gregory wanted to be like his older brother and be tough so he picks on his little brother and every time he does he gets caught.Greg's best friend is named Rowley Greg thinks Rowley is kind of uncool.Every time Rowley get back from a family trip he brags about it and Greg gets jealous.And thats how THE "Dairy of a Wimpy Kid" book goes.

Anonymous said...

I assume you are reading Number the Stars. I love that book. I think the characters in it are INCREDIBLY brave. I cannot imagine being Jewish during WWII. I love that in this book, the non-Jewish people (the Danes) stand up to the Nazis to help the Rosen family escape.
I also love that this book is historical fiction. Have you started Martyn Pig yet?

Anonymous said...

the book that i am reading is a interesting book because this little girl called kyah is living in a house by her self because her mom had just died a week ago and her dad was killed and the village people are trying to kick her out because she has a crippled leg and they say she takes up space and eat to much but she lucky if she even finds a rabbit.g[\

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex why do they kidnap kids and kill them? where is it at? and who wrote it?

Anonymous said...

every one is cool

Anonymous said...


Hey The Book sounds cool. Why did you choose to read the book?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read Milkweed. I find it interesting that it is written by Jerry Spinelli. I know his realistic fiction work: Star Girl, Maniac McGee, etc.,. but I will be interested to read a historical fiction book by him.
You and Antonio need to read: Summer of My German Soldier and check out this link to WWII books.
Also, you and Antonio need to check out this link:

Anonymous said...

My book connects to perspectives by the fact that it talks about all the different views of the characters. For example, it might go to a scene about Galbatorix, and you might feel bad that Eragon killed his Ra'zac, even though Galbatorix is evil.

Anonymous said...

Another book by the same author. R.L. Stine and its called The Perfect Date. I think that i like this book better because it was scary, because on this certain part girls are fighting and they rip each others legs,arms, and heads off because one of them wanted their body back but the other girl wouldn't give it back to her. So I think that that was an incredible book and if one of you read it you would want to get into all of his books!!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading a persuasive essay written by Robert MacNeil about the negative effects of too much television watching. It said that for each 10 years of your life that a little over a year of that (10,000 hours) is spent watching TV (for the average person). Then it goes on to say that in that amount of time you could get a bachelor's degree (4-year college degree) or learn a new language! I don't know about you but I certainly don't want to waste years of my life sitting in front of the tube! I would much rather spend my time really living - doing, thinking, experiencing, enjoying! This is my perspective.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED that casket part too! So, so clever! I can remember holding my breath when the Nazis demanded that it be opened. It would have been a horrible sight if they didn't believe Anne Marie's family.
Do you think it was worth it for Anne Marie and family and Peter to risk their lives for the Jews? Would you have done the same in their situation?

Anonymous said...

The book I just read was Twilight. I've already read this book before, but I didn't have a book so I read it again. This book is about a girl named Bella Swan who moves to Forks, Washington and meets someone named Edward Cullen. Edward is everything that Bella or any other girl would want in a boy, but he is a mystery to her. This book is really good and I actually got some other people hooked on to it as well. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes vampires. =]

Anonymous said...

I finish a book called Twilight. I read about 10 times. A girl named Bella falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. Its a really good book and I rec amend this book a lot of girls here are in love with him and Jacob. The cool thing about this is that Edward will do anything for Bella. Edward is really tense about almost every thing. I'm not saying anymore because that will rune the book. Its just a good book.

Anonymous said...

I will read this book. Is a jackboot a Nazi or Hitler youth?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Klamer,
We are reading Flipped aloud to Mrs. Buthker's 7th graders (5th hour).
It is a great book on perspectives or POV. The story is told from 2 main character's POVs. The first chapter: Bryce's POV; the 2nd, Julianna's POV.
and back and forth.
Have you read it?
You'd LOVE it!!!

Anonymous said...

The book I just finished is titled Planet Pregnancy by Linda Oatman High. The book is kind of like poems but it's a story. It's about how a girl named Sahara gets pregnant and is too scared to tell anyone. She doesn't tell anyone until she's around 4 months pregnant. Her mom gets really mad at her when she tells her. Throughout the book she's deciding whether to keep the baby, to have an abortion, or give it up for adoption.

Anonymous said...

The book I am reading is called The Hard Way by Lee Child and it is about two people getting kidnapped named Kate and her daughter named Jade and Kate's husband is looking for them and he was in the military also they ask for one grand and a car.then they do not return them and next time they ask for five grand in CASH and a BMW and this dude named Reacher who is working for Mr.Lane and he is spying to find out who kidnapped his wife.

Anonymous said...

I started a book called "What Daddy Did." It"s about a boy who is going through listening to his parents fighting and arguing.I'm only on the third chapter and it's great, I love how the author makes a great picture in your mind.I also enjoy how every chapter is named witch gives you an idea of how the chapter will take place.

Anonymous said...

The Book I'm reading Is
"Day of Infamy" This book takes place in December 7 ,1941 Honolulu ,
Pearl Harbor. It is just another morning for the SS.Arizona until
8:00 a.m Japanese Zeros and submarines approached the harbor.
The Zeros delivered the first blow of the war against America and Japan.

Anonymous said...

How far are you in Speak? It is a mystery for awhile. It is definitely borderline high school, but I know you will like it.

Anonymous said...

Alex A.,
You are reading a book about:people that are kidnapping little kids and killing them? Weird. What is the title of this book? What is the genre? What is interesting or disturbing about it?

Anonymous said...

MacKenzie I am not familiar with Rich Girl. Is it also a horror (genre) type of book, like RL Stine's other books?
What are you reading right now? Tell us about it. Tell us about the movie, questions and connections that you make in your mind.

Anonymous said...

Graeme, Are you still reading, Brisingr?
If so, what do you think about this theory on that book:
A good friend of mine has read the entire Eragon trilogy and she HATES Brisingr. She told me that she thinks that Christopher Paolini just wrote the book to make money, that the big battle in it is IDENTICAL to another battle in a previous book and she said, most disappointing is that NOTHING happens in this book. I couldn't reply as I have not read the series, but told her about you. I'd love your thoughts on her opinion so I can share them with her. Please write your response on this blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Alex H,
What you are describing does not sound like Shooters....I am confused...Shooters is basically a take on the Columbine situation in a different way.
Would you please write about this book and its characters? I also want to make sure it is a good fit. It is actually written at a 9th grade level, so it is a pretty hard book.

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about the Fog Mound series. Are you doing post-its on this series? It might help to deepen your understanding. What is
Fitzgerald's job in Book One? What is Brown and the others trying to escape? What happened to humans?
In Book Two, what are the ratminks trying to do? Why is Bill so anxious to get to the mysterious island of Faradawn?
The books also have a deeper message/big idea. Why do you think the author wrote this book? What is he trying to tell us readers?

Anonymous said...

dear ms.parent

I dont remeber all tht you should have asked all that when i still had the book but i'll see if i can remeber

Anonymous said...

I found out that these people arn't acually killing the kids but they are testing many expierements on them (please disregaurd my spelling) any way the main charicter lyra is going north now to rescue the little kids and bring them back to their families.

Anonymous said...

Right now i am reading a book called Dark Sisters or something like that and this book is very interesting because it is about vampires and the sister turn into that because one of them got bitten by another one and this is by the same author R.L. STINE!

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten to any big battles yet, but I think he has really done a good job so far in Brisingr. He has stated a lot of new ideas and he's alraedy killed two of Galbatorix's best warriors. It has also introduced that Galbatorix's men feel no pain, and that they can't be killed easily. Also, he has figured out that his ring (he inherited it from Brom,his teacher who is now dead) has a TON of magical energy in it.

Anonymous said...

I like your synopsis. What makes these books great? Why do you think so many kids are into these books?
When will you finish Rodrick Rules?

Anonymous said...

The book that i just have finished was called Dangerous Girls and it's about Vampires these too twines have gotten bitten by a vampire and turned into it and then they were trying to find a cure. At the end one of them find the cure but the other wants to stay a vampire with their boyfriend forever and her dad is a hunter and he might have to kill his own daughter even though he knows that she is a vampire and i am about to read the secound book to see what happens

Anonymous said...

I am reading a book called The Boy Who Dared. It is a true story of this boy in WWII who was a prisoner. It is a story that very little takes place in the present time (of the book). It is mostly memories of him in Berlin, Germany of when he was a kid. It's a really good book and Mrs. Klamer has it if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

The Door Within is a great teenager chapter book if you like fantasy/adventure. The Door Within is about three kids that in the end find out they are the Three witnesses(Heroes of the realm). They enter the realm when King Eliam the Ever Lasting calls them into the realm. A old sentential of the the realm(Protectors of king Eliam) Betray him, and all of his people just to get the throne, but his power ended up backfiring in his face. All the people on Earth has a glimpse that looks like them and when one dies so does the other. The three humans are named Aden,Antwanet,and Robby. They were the three Witnesses. Robby once worked for Paragor because that were his glimpse worked. If you want to read the book i have requested it for the library. Many things have happened in the realm, but you just have to find out.

Anonymous said...

The book I'm reading is called "Dairy of a Wimpy Kid"
My book is about a kid named Gregory is having a tough life as a middle schooler in the book now Gregory's brother Rodrick is doing bad things to him he was suppose to be watching over him but he locked him in the basement and had a party.Gregory had to sleep in the basement over night.
When morning came Rodrick made Gregory clean the whole house.
Basically its just about how Gregory life is MISERABLE

Anonymous said...

I am half way through the book and it's pretty good but the best thing is, I didn't read the back so chapter six is great but irratating.

Anonymous said...

For the new book I am readying it is called Inkheart I am not very far and it is becoming a good book(I am not on chapter 2 yet).

Anonymous said...

The Book I'm reading is Halo:Contact Havest the story is about Staff Sargent Avery Johnson,Staff Sargent Byrnes and Captain Ponder on a Farming colony that needs help From the U.N.S.C (United.Nations.Space.Command) and the O.D.S.T corps (Orbital.Drop.Shock.Troops) from the innies aka insurgents to the Marines.

Anonymous said...

I am reading another book called The coldest Winter and his boo is about a teenage girl who is goindg through alot of problems n her life like moving and violence and it is ver interesting because of the way that she deals wih her problems if she mest up on triyng to fix it the next time that she trys she accompishes it and so this book inspiers me and this book is written by a rapper named Sista Soulgah.

Anonymous said...

I read the book now you see it... It's really good I couldn't put it down. I read it in one weekend. Right now im reading Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. She's a new york times best selling author. I'm not going to tell you anything about it I don't want to give anything away.

Anonymous said...

I am reading a book called Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. It is the best book i have ever read in my life! It is about a girl named Bella Swan and she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen!!! This book is a thrilling tale that i think everyone should read. I can barely put this book down. It had surprises around every corner. This book is a new book i didn't think i would like and i LOVE it more than anything book i have ever read! Even if you don't think that you will like it READ IT! i know that you will love it!

P.S. the movie comes out today Nov. 21! It is so legit!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the series, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I'm on the second book called, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood. It's a really good book, but (it's kind of girly.) Right now I'm reading about Carmen, and her mother. Carmen is trying to piece her summer back together, and turn it on the right path. Lena is really struggling with Kostos, and Effie isn't really helping. Bridget's summer is going so well, and she's loving spending time with childhood friends and her grandma. Tibby misses Bailey (her 12 yr. old friend she met last summer), and is trying to make things better with Brian. The summer is coming to an end and everyone is trying to make their summer end the way the want it to. I'm really sorry if I "ruined" the books for you. I tried not to! I stronly encourage you to read it! (girls) Don't see the movies until you've read the books. Hope you like them!

Anonymous said...

Now I told you a little about the door within series, and I am willing to tell you more.
As I said before a lot of things have happened in the realm, but in book two The Rise of The Wrym Lord the very first born dragon that's been in there for about thousand years is released by Paragory that has a lot of powers over powering 9 or more legions of a army. Those powers gave him the ability to do almost anything he wanted. He got them from the creator of the realm King Eliam The Everlasting. The dragon was trapped there because he killed his masters second favorite person. From book one it was only Adian, and Robby now there is Antwanet (I don't know the real spelling because it's french) and she had a promise to Aiden that she would turn Robby's glimpse to the good side, but ends up getting captured by Robby's glimpse and get treated real nice(Don't ask me why). Most of their prisoners get eaten or killed maybe even trail. In my next blog I will talk about book three The Final Storm.

Anonymous said...

cool books

Anonymous said...

The book I'm reading right now is Sofi Mendoza's Guide to Getting Lost in Mexico by Malin Alegria. So far its about this girl named Sofi and her two friends who go 2 Mexico for a party at their other friends vacation house. When they are there, Sofi tries to impress this guy she likes. It doesn't work. They finally go back home, but when they are at the border, the officer tells Sofi that her green card is fake. That's how far I got.

Anonymous said...

Maxine im also reading the book Twilight, and it is one of the best books i have ever read too, i really love the way the author made the book seem like a movie playing, i can picture so much that is going on its unbelievable. The characters are fa nominal, each having there own ways, and different personalities.
I really would recommend IF you enjoy romance, vampires etc.REALLY read the book=]

Anonymous said...

The book I am currently reading is Breaking Dawn. It's the fourth book of twilight saga. It's getting to high point. It's very surprising and in a way disappointing. I won't go into details because so many people are reading in too.

Anonymous said...

I just started a book yesterday called Breaking Dawn. It is part of the twilight series... THE LAST BOOK! *tear* It is good so far. But before I was reading a book called "Speak" It was good I would recommend it even though it is kind of depressing. So, yeah...

Anonymous said...

The book that I just read was called Massive! I was no that into it at the beginning, but towards the middle it got very interesting. It was abou this girl who had a problem with her mother. Ever since her mother was in the hospital because she was sick she has now been watching what she was eating. She even wants her daughter Carmen to start eating healthy because she doesn't want her to end up in the hospital like her. so basically her mother is having a problem and Carmen's family is getting ruined to.

Anonymous said...

Abbie, during the summer I read that series. I really liked it. I wish there were more of them. Enjoy the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

Antonio, I just read that book. Speak it was good I thought. But we probably have really different opinions on books. It starts off slow but it gets better towards the end.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it!!! I am reading The Twilight saga and its great!! Its one of the best books i have ever read and its one of my favorite ones i love it when Edward always has to say his shocking sentences like "It would be like i never existed"(my favorite quote)and he did anything possible for everything that reminded Bella that he did existed to disappear,there is so many more quotes that i love that he said! I just love this book because it is not just about romance but its a mix in between suspense,vampires,werewolf's and fantasy of something you think its magical that makes you feel so happy like if you were in the book!! even if it sucks because you know that it is not ever going to be real!!

Anonymous said...

My book is a new one called seekers by erin hunter. So far it's about how three bears, grizzly, black, and polar are going out in the world by themselves. So far only two of the bears have left. A grizzly bear whoose brother is very sick, and a polar bear whoose entire family were eaten by killer wales. The third charicter is a black bear that lives in a zoo. However she wants to live in the wild like her father did before they brought him into the zoo. This book is really good so far and i'm exited to read more.

Anonymous said...

Okay. This post is most likely for the girls. Mrs. Klamer read Twilight over Thanksgiving break. It was fantastic. I am totally sucked into this seudo-word that is Edward and Bella. I totally fell for Edward...I wish he was real. He is mature from living thru so many decades, but still retains the youthful zest and mystique. Bella is equally interesting and ultra observant. If she ever "crosses over," I do wonder how her talents in this area will be enriched...hmmm? At the very least, maybe a cure for her clumsiness and driving abilities? And, I do think that she'll have to "change" if she and Edward are going to truely last for an eternity. The aging process would really get in the way of this thing ya know.

So who's going to loan me New Moon? :)

Anonymous said...

One more thing....all of you Twilight lovers...make sure that you get online and read the first chapter of Midnight is Twilight from Edward's point of view. Meyers is working on it is supposed to be twice as long as Twilight since Edward psychoanalyzes (thinks) so much....

Anonymous said...

Alex A,

Are there humans in the world with the bears in the book that you are reading? What is the time period? What part of the world does it take place...what is their mode of travel?

Anonymous said...

I didn't read all that much over the holidays because my grandma was there but when I did read I found out that the grizzly bear's brother is dead now and his mom blames him for it, and that the polar bear's brother isn't dead and she is looking for him in the freezing cold.
So far the black bear hasn't left the zoo yet but she was planning an escape with her friend when he was transferd to another zoo. I hope that these two meet up again because I like both of them.

Anonymous said...

... Yes there are people in the book, otherwise there really wouldn't be a zoo, any way I only Know where the polar bear is right now, she's in Canada, but the others... Maybe I should look at the maps on the first page... Well, this question is for Mrs. Klamer, Who do you meen when you ask what their transportaion is? (disregaurd my spelling...)

Anonymous said...

I'm read the book called Stinky.
So far the book is about a kid name Stinky and he likes to smell stinky things and his class went on a field trip to a museum on stinky things.When his class got to the museum he was the first one to walk in and look at all the stinky things.He thought he could handle smelling the body odors and recognize the smell like what do they match up wit armpits or feet.After he sniffed all the smell he guessed what odor it matched with and him got them all right.After they left the museum his teacher passed out fliers and they were saying you could enter a contest for the smelliest shoe ever and he wanted to enter the contest.So far that's all that has happened in my book.

Anonymous said...

Eragon is in the dwarf capital Farthen Dur, in a dwarf meeting, trying to convince the dwarves to make Orik the dwarf king. At lunch break, he wanders off and is attacked by six dwarves in black clothing with knives that whenever they cut you, they burn through your skin. He killed all of them, then healed himself.

Saphira sensed that Eragon was in danger, but she coulden't do anything about is since she was at the Varden.

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading "What Daddy Did". It's ok but not very good because it takes a great amount of time to get to concution,then again that's how must books go.

Lara Parent said...

How far are you into the book?
Sometimes it takes me about 4-5 chapters before I really get into it.
It even took awhile for me to get into Twilight.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are liking the Stink book. It is Stink, not Stinky, but it is WAaaaay below your reading level. It is at a 1st grade reading level. Can you please return the Rodrick Rules book to me?

Anonymous said...

I thought that Stephanie Meyer canned the 5th book in the Twilight series because someone leaked you have a link, Ms. K? I wonder if she changed her mind???
I just started Breaking Dawn. Very good....but

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Ms. Klamer! Ms. Ettinger has the series and I donated the first 2 to our library. Great and insightful post! So now that you are sucked into this, as you say, pseudo world--though doesn't it seem so real!!!??? are you Team Jacob or Team Edward?

Anonymous said...

Alex A.
Why is it called The Seekers?

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about it "stinks" that books aren't real, but actually if vampires and werewolves did REALLY exist that would be scary for us humans. Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Anonymous said...

I haven't read much since yesterday, but Roran just came back from his mission.

Anonymous said...

... well I acually haven't read almost any thing but to answer your question it is called seekers because all of the bears are seeking for a perfect place to live and survive. Also they are all seeking for their family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Graeme, How close are you to the end?
Is this the last book in the series?

Anonymous said...

Alex A.,
interesting....I wonder if the title has multiple meanings....?

Anonymous said...

Why would the dwarves go along with Eragon and make Orik the dwarf king?

Anonymous said...

I read Speak too and it is a slow start and confusing at first. It is also a dark and heavy book. Maybe it is too much of a book from a girl's POV? But, it does make you think about choices that you make, safety and who you can/can't trust. I heard the author, Laurie Halse Anderson, speak last year and she was amazing!

Anonymous said...

Abbie and Bonnie,
I have never read The Sisterhood....series, I tried it, but couldn't get into it. The writing was good, but somehow it didn't grab me.

Anonymous said...

Im done with the book called Fun House by Ken Girard. Its a book about two people. One of them run a fun house in a amusement park and the other runs a wax museum. So the owner of the fun house scares the people into the wax museum. Then the owner of the wax museum tricks them into thinking she's helping them the try to turn them into wax figures.But the owners get away. And that's basically it.

Anonymous said...

Well, lusa just escaped from the zoo and is making her way to the mountain to find Toklo. while Toklo just met a grizzly cub that can change into many different animals including human. killik, the pollar bear has been captured by people while looking for her brother. Right now lusa is being atacked by an adult grizzly bear.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading abook called inkheart. I think the book is based on books from what I read, and the main charcters names are Mo, and Meggie. Right now they are living at someones home (I fogot name) and she has alot of books that Meggie is not allowed to touch but she finds out Mo was hiding a book book from her. Read next blog for more info.

Anonymous said...

Tell me more =0

Anonymous said...

Yo mom.

Anonymous said...

The book that i am reading now is a book called The Dead Girlfriend. This is about a boy, his x, his current girl, and his weird friend Rubby. What is happening is that his x died at a waterfall when he so happens to be with her and everyone says that she committed suicide or her boyfriend had pushed her off of the falls. Later on in the story he meets this new girl at the same place that his old girlfriend had died and ever since they have met weird things have been happening to her like she starts getting these weird messages when she is doing a report in History and it said to stay away from josh which is the boy and other people are also saying to be aware. This is what i have read so fare. Ever since i have read this book it has made me not want to put it down so i encourage other people to read this book and also others that R.L. STINE has written, and if i have not said who this book was called it was but of course R.L. STINE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The book that i am reading now is called "Hush"by Jacqueline Woodson. So fare the book has been about a girl named Toswiah.She moved from a great town to a not so great city and she misses all of her friends and imagines what used to happen.Right now she lives with her father, mother, and sister. Her father thinks that they need to move again and change there names and their description, because of a certain problem.(I have not figured the problem yet) So when she changes her name she puts a certain description for it and so now her life is begining to get even worse by the minute. I think that the book is good so fare and i plane on reading all of the book because usually i don't finish a book that is that well!

technos2 said...


This is a very fun Series:

Author: Anthony Horowitz
Book series: Alex Rider

If you guys like adventure, this is alot of fun!!!

They are Mainly about this Kid Alex whose Uncle Died, he is now living with his House keeper ''Jack'' but he is also involved with the MI6 ( British Inteligency), he is then forced to go on alot of missions, its all suspense, its and OK series....I just finished the last book, SNAKEHEAD....Fun...Let me know if anybody read these!!Let me know if you know any other fun books like these....Nick

technos2 said...

I am going to reed this Milkweed book..I cant believe that Herrick Library Does not have it!!!It looks interesting!!

Anonymous said...

In Catcher In the Rye There is this boy named Holden. I find him to be a real jerk. He mean to one of his professors that wanted to see him before he left town for good. While he was talking to him he wasn't even paying attention and he was just cutting him down the whole time. So to get away from the old man he told him he had some stuff to grab from he gym which was a lie. This boy makes a lot of connections with his thoughts he is a person who can probably start off talking about Martin Luther King Jr. and end up talking about cheese. This boy is only 16 and he swears a lot to make him self look older (which I just think it makes him look disrespectful. This is a very controversial book because when it came out in 1945 the country was all in that Happy Days phase. Like everything was picture perfect. You know the whole family sitting around the table eating dinner, and then along came this book and this boy hates life and just wants to get away. So that is what I think of this book.

Anonymous said...

I am still reading "Hush". The reason that they have to move is because she hears her mom and dad over in her room saying that her dad has killed some boy. Later on in the story it talks about her grandma dieng and that was important because she always used to give her advise so its gong to be even more harder for her to move because were they were thats were she died.

technos2 said...

I just started reading Milkweed.

I think it is very confusing, its set up very wierd....Also, it is a bit, ''all over the place'', you do not know what is happening that well.....

Any suggestions to understand it better???


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading Milkweed. What an ODD book. Still interesting, I think Jerry Spinelli makes it soo '' confusing'' and poor (English etc.), because he is trying to put you into the character....What an ODD book gotta say!!!

Anonymous said...

I was reading a book called inkdeath i think its cool because meggie is in a ink realm (Sort of like a different dimmension) i am on page and so far mo is now a thief and they live (Sort of) in a farm a abondond farm. Look for my next blog for more info.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I heard of Ink death etc. series.....Good series gotta say!!!Well, let us know whats up in the end!

Anonymous said...

The book that i am reading now is called "MATILDA". This book is basicly the same as the movie. The parts that have happend so fare are..her being born and the parents leaving her at home then she goes to the library because she wants to get out of the house. So fare i like the book cause it is easy to read because i saw the movie.

Anonymous said...

I am still reading Matilda and that part that im on now talks about her getting books from the library and getting to bring them home and the librarian is very happy at the fact that Matilda is only 5 reading very large books.Then she brings them home and her father doesnt like the fact that she is smarter that he is because every time that he makes a mistake she is correcting him. I am looking very forward to what is going to happen next.

Anonymous said...

This next part that im on is about matilda over hearing her father and brother talking about cars and ow her dad wants her brother to be like him when he gets older. But the bad thing about it is that he cheats when he sells the cars. Like he puts something in them to run moothly until the ca ets fare away from the selling place that they change their mind on time to not buy the car. Thats all that i read so fare!

Anonymous said...

Work on telling us what you are thinking and feeling as a response to what you have read. I don't need the summary as I have read this book (20 or so times) :)
Here are some things to blog about:
-How are the adult characters that Roald Dahl writes about different from the children characters?
-Why do you think Roald Dahl wrote this book? What is he trying to say/teach/get the reader to think about?
-Who is your favorite character and why?
-Which character is more evil: The Trunchbull or Mr. Wormwood? Support your reasons in your answer.

Anonymous said...

Hello "Cooler Than You Said",
Have you read the other 2 books in the series that are the prequel to Inkdeath?
Why do you think Cornelia Funke wrote this series?
What is she trying to say about people or about good and evil.

Anonymous said...

The Catcher In the Rye: THis next part is kind of funny because Holden's roomate Stradlater ask him to write a report for english for him because Stradlater has a lot of homework and he's going out. The funny thing is that Holden is getting kicked out of the scholl because he is failing and stradlater asked to write a report... Yeah good job (not really it's hard to be sarcastic on a computer).

Anonymous said...

I can understand on one hand, how you might think Holden is a jerk on the surface, but look deeper...did that professor really care about Holden? What is causing Holden to act out? What does Holden mean when he says that everyone is phony? Who are the phonies in the book?
Why did JD Salinger write this book? What is he trying to say/teach the reader.
You are right this was a VERY controversial book for its time and it actually still is. Did you know that MANY public and school libraries continue to ban this book?

Anonymous said...

I loved the Alex Rider series too. Totally fun fast reads. I like Alex's character and the struggle between good and evil is great. Kinda like James Bond for kids.
I have a confession though..I rented the movie at Blockbuster. MISTAKE!! It was totally stupid and my husband couldn't believe I rented it.
Another case of the book being better than the movie...ALWAYS!

Anonymous said...

I think that other kids are different from this author because he put different personalities then others like Matilda is able to do other things and think of smarter things to do to other people.sooo yep!

technos2 said...

You are completely right Ms. Parent....The movie was a bit dumn.....Now I am reading the Gatekeepers, and the ''youth librarian'' at Herrick gave me a few more series, A series by Andy McNab and Rober Rigby, The cherub series, Spy Highschool, hmmmmm, I think that they are going to be fun.....

technos2 said...

I think my Sister likes the Movie ( I think that she thinks Alex is Cute....). She also bought it....

Anonymous said...

The book that I just started reading is called Impluse. Its not really a story but its like a poem. So far it's about these three people Tony, Connor, and Vanessa. They got placed in a mental instituion because with Tony, he keeps taking pills becasue of his bad chilhood memories and he almost overdosed. Connor almost commited suicide by trying to shoot his heart but he missed. Vanessa keeps cutting herself and nobody knows why. All that I have read so far is that all three of them come into the mental institution called Aspen Springs, and all three are just trying to get used to being there. The part I'm at right now, Tony was in one of his meetings and Vanessa walks in. Tony thinks that Vanessa is one of the prettiest girls that he has ever seen. Even though everybody knows that Tony is gay.

Anonymous said...

The book im reading right now is called Breaking Dawn by stephanie Meyer.It is about a girl named Bella who falls in love with a vampire named Edward.Edward loves bella and feels that he needs to protect her always bella wants to become a vampire but edward feels that it's to dangerous and he will not do it. right now the book is getting really good and im excited to read some more.I wonder if bella is really ready to string along her human life so quickly and if so will she be the same person? will she hate herself for what she becomes?

Anonymous said...

The book that I am reading right now is called "Shadow Kiss". It is about a vampire academy and they have these vampires that are guarded by these people called guardinas or dhampirs that are half vampire. Rose is the main character of the story and she is half vampire. She goes through a lot in her life because for one thing she can't see her mom at all and she was not picked to guard her best friend, Lissa. It is kind of a romance novel because Rose is in love with another guardian but at the academy it is forbidden to love another guardian.
She can't tell her best friend about the boy, but she doesn't like lying to her either. But Rose and her best friend Lissa are caught up in some wacky situations and get in some big trouble!

technos2 said...

Hey Ms. Parent. You look like a wierd Pretty techer, who's a Model, who doesn't really exist. Maybe in your imagination....

I am talking about the photo on the front page saying who you are....

let me know what you think of this comment...

technos2 said...

Hey. I am am reading a series by Andy McNab and this paul guy, They are really cool. Andy Mcnab is a ''hero'', a real hero, who is in the British army currently. These series are really cool because they are written by a real Miltary Hero.... The first book is called Traitor the second is called Payback, i think. It is about this kid who finds his grandad who is an outlaw because he ran away from the SAS on a mission. But the truth is is that the boss of the MI5 and the MI6 including the SAS is actually a bad guy who is trafficking drigs and information..... It is a really cool book. You should read it.

Also, there is a glossary of the terms in the book. that is really cool, because I can finnally find some new words for my reading log....

Let me know if anybody reads them.....

technos2 said...

A few more adventure series are:
Alex Rider series
Young Bond Series
Spy High school series
Traitor etc series.

They are a lot of fun...Hope they found you some interesting reading...


Anonymous said...

I think that the author is trying to say to the readers that you shouldnt let other people put you down or you can do anything if you just believe, or maybe even no matter how your life is you can always make it better by doing what ever makes you happy!

Anonymous said...

I think that the parents are more evil then the Trunchbull because the parents are the ones that should be making sure that the kids have and get anything that they need. But her parents could care less.

Anonymous said...

In this part of Cold Tom, Tom goes into the city of Demons and nearly gets captured twice. He went to the city in search of food. So he left the city after he found food and now his meeting back up with his tribe.

Anonymous said...

The book that I read was entitled: Enders Game. I hope this is not a spoiler to anyone. I am a science fiction junkie and a defender. Enders Game is by far the most exhilarating book I have ever read. I am disgusted when people slander the good imagination of Orsen Scott Card’s books. He is phenomenal author. The relationship that Ender and Valentine had was a strong bond. The fact that a brother and a sister could get along so well is unfathomable. I have brothers and sisters myself and even we don’t have that strong of bond. I enjoyed this book because it is about a prodigy of war. He impresses everyone with his skills of the battlefield. The sad part is that his brother Peter threatens to kill Ender and his sister. When Ender is on the battlefield he thinks he is becoming like Peter. He wants to get out of that terrible government program. I would recommend this book to anyone above the age of thirteen. I also enjoy this book because it tells us about what the feature might become. Also this book has a good setting and a good plot. Ender is a young kid when he goes to the government program. He is extremely smart and can help out the army so much. When Peter torments Ender and Valentine it is terrible. Ender is what they call a “third.” his brother was first to be under surveillance, but they declined him because bad and torturous .His sister was too put under the same surveillance and she was to non-violent. Ender was the happy medium. I hope when you read this review it will help you understand the book more. If you have read the book then you yourself should post your own comment on it, see what people think of your opinions, likes, dislikes. Hope I helped.

Anonymous said...

I am almost done with the book Matilda what is going on in the chapter that i am in is the Trunhbull is getting weird messages on the bored because of Matilda, she is making the messages appear. I cant wait to see if Matilda lives with Miss.Honey!

Anonymous said...

I am now done with Matilda. She is now going to live with Miss.Honey because she doesn't want to move with her parents to a different state.(the reason why they are is because of her dads new offer for A job). So Matilda was the one who had the idea of moving with her and Miss.Honey didn't mind because she thinks that Matilda is a smart nice girl! So that is how the story ended, also the Trunchbull was never seen again after the incident with the chalkboard!

Anonymous said...

In Cold Tom, Tom is getting hiding out in one of the demon's sheds. One of the demons finds him and she decides to help him not hurt him.

Anonymous said...

The book that i just finished reading was The One Eyed Giant and that series was about a man named Odyseoss and he had to go on an adventure and he came to a lot of bad places including the Cyclops cave some of his men died but the rest and him escaped. He hasn't yet reached his home yet because of a curse that the monster put on him and his men.

technos2 said...

Hey!! I just finshed the book Hunger Games. I found it to encourage Fakeness. The main character had to fake everything, that she loved the boy, whatever she said, her background! ALWAYS!! It was a bit annoying. It was a super fun book overall though, lots of adventure, edge of you seat...