Monday, February 9, 2009

February Reads

What are you reading?
Tell us BRIEFLY about your book, then share your thinking:
Questions, wonders, predictions, reactions, etc.,.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Original Bookworms

Ms. K and moi (Ms. Parent) are still posting comments to the original blog post (scroll down below to see it), but I just wanted to add the über-cool!!! video of The Original Bookworms:"The Tonys" that I finished (FINALLY!) over the holiday break.
Here is your sneak peek...if you are checking this blog.....

Here's a shout out to these 2 awesome readers, dudes, and creative peeps: T & T!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ahoy! 8th Graders! This Blog Is for You!

Write down the title and author of the book you are reading and your sticky-note thoughts.

Think about these sentence starters:

I wonder...
My question is...
I can connect this to my life/my world/another book...
It was weird/scary/sad/wonderful when...
I don't get...
Aha! I get it now....
The big idea/author's message/universal truth is...
(Your choice)...